ECampus University is one of the biggest Italian online University. The Measurement group involved in the project has long experience in the field of comfort measurements (thermal, acoustic, visual and IAQ), physiological measurements (EEG, ECG, EDA), experimental campaigns, data analysis and machine learning. ECampus
provides WEPOP with wearable devices, proprietary software and algorithms for statistical analysis and trained PCMs. ECampus leads the project and the WEPOP platform development.

The Università degli Studi di Perugia is one of the oldest universities in Italy and one of the most accredited, offering a wide variety of courses in all fields of education. UniPG will take part in the WEPOP project offering the expertise in the coordination of experimental campaigns addressing multi-domain comfort theory through a human-centric perspective and in developing Digital Twin accounting for human-building interaction. The UniPG team will put at WEPOP disposal its NEXT.ROOM (test room facility presenting highly environmental control capabilities for human comfort experiments) and dedicated equipment for physiological signals monitoring. UniPG leads the WP5, concerning platform validation and control system interface.

The University of Palermo (UNIPA) is an internationally acknowledged public research
organization which comprises 16 Departments and 1 School of Medicine. UNIPA will join WEPOP with the mechanical and thermal measurement group of the Department of Engineering, providing innovative physiological sensing systems with improved accuracy. The group has solid bases and a significant scientific production on the topic, as well as the experience of the responsibility of projects on the same topic.

Università Politecnica delle Marche (UNIVPM) is a mid-size academic center with high ranking among the Italian universities. It includes 5 Faculties: Engineering, Medicine and Surgery, Economy, Science and Agriculture. UNIVPM is involved in the project with the Mechanical and Thermal Measurement Group of the Department of Industrial Engineering and Mathematical Sciences (DIISM). UNIVPM is leader of WP3 from which it will develop the environmental sensing system . In addition, UNIVPM is responsible for the dissemination of WEPOP.