The first WEPOP Newsletter is ready.
September 2024: Wepop has been presented at the 8th National Forum on Measurement 2024 (Forum Nazionale delle Misure) in San Vincenzo (Tuscany) by Prof. Francesco Scardulla with a work titled “Effect of Skin Temperature on Photoplethysmographic Signal” and by Prof. Sara Casaccia with a poster titled “Activity Detection of People in Indoor Environment: A Measurement System Based on Non-Intrusive Ultrasound Sensors and AI Techniques” .

July 2024: WEPOP has been presented at the Toronto Metropolitan University during the Summer School organized by the International Association of Building Physics with a work titled “Describing acclimatation time in test room experiments: improving human-centric comfort assessment procedures”.

May 22 2024: a workshop to define the experimental campaign has been organized by the Wepoppers. More news will be provided soon about the experimental campaign that will be held in summer at Università degli Studi di Perugia.

November 24th 2023: WEPOP was presented at NeuroCog 2023 in Brussels.

November 10th 2023: WEPOP kick-off meeting in Rome at eCampus headquarters.